The animation, the graphics, the story...
A MASTERPIECE! From now, YOU are my inspiration!
Thats was just amazing!
The animation, the graphics, the story...
A MASTERPIECE! From now, YOU are my inspiration!
Thats was just amazing!
Not so good...
1. This movie is really not Madness Style, so why hes in the Madness Day 2007 Collection?
2. The animation and the graphics was preety nice, but some of them was really poor...
3. Excessive Violence?! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! That wasn't MILD violence, so EXCESSIVE?! LOLOLOLOL
1) im still new at flash so i dont get the madness feel yet
2) i had my days =P
3)some people think of it as exesive
The Newgronds people really need to know how the ones hwo always insulting.
Proud of you
Great one!
Yahoo! I win! LOL
Its a brilliant idea made in funny cartoon - style way.
Love it!
Also, the clown gonna kill me if i dont vote five... LOL
The graphics and the animation ROCKS!
but i still think the graphics are to much "fancy" and i cant get were the hand, the body, the weapon and all.
But its just me, overall - CoOoOol!
I cant wait for the full movie.
Man this is just LAME! This isnt even a movie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your stupit or you just SOOOOOOOO bored?!?!?!
Well, it's Clock Day 07.
Hi. My name is *CONSORED* and im going to *CONSORED* School. Too bad you cant see these, I consored them cus im, you now... TEN!!!
Age 34, Male
Why should I tall you?!
Joined on 7/1/07